World Environment Day


World Environment Day

The World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated every year on 5th June to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet earth. It is a day that reminds everyone on the planet to get involved in environment friendly activities. We at Stella Maris EMS, the World Environment Day (WED) was observed on June 4, 2022, The students were briefed about the importance of this day. The day began with a beautiful message shared by our Principal Sr. Elize DM which motivated everyone to celebrate this special day with great zeal and enthusiasm. The main objective of observing this day was to bring about a change in the student’s attitude towards the environment and advocate partnership between each human being and society to ensure a safe future for all. Our Principal, Sr. Elize DM, along with Sr. Annie Maria DM and students' representatives, inaugurated the tree plantation drive by planting a sapling in the school premises. To commemorate, World Environment Day, we have initiated the involvement of the young children into preparing a “herbal garden”. The motto of this initiative is to create full awareness among students about the importance of soil for human life. The most alluring feature about this ‘herbal garden” is that the plants have been generously brought by the students themselves, thus making their involvement a personal one. Then the students planted saplings of different medicinal herbs in and around the school premises. The students took part in the activity with great enthusiasm. In the special school assembly held today in connection with the World Environment Day our beloved Principal recited a poem on trees. Miss. Abiya Mary Saji of Std X gave a short speech for the assembled students to make them aware of how our beautiful planet would gradually parish due to deforestation, urbanization and environmental plunder. The trees in the school premises were identified with their botanical as well as common names as part of this mission. The programme came to a close with the recitation by Master Karthik.